Colostrum vs. Mature Milk

What is colostrum?
Colostrum is the milk your body first makes while pregnant and after birth. It is very thick and typically golden-yellow in color, although it can also be clear. Colostrum is extremely nutrient-dense and is essential for your baby’s digestive and immune system. This antibody-rich milk is often referred to as “liquid gold,” both for its value and golden color. Your body will make this for up to 5 days after delivery, and then will transition as your body starts producing mature milk. Colostrum will still be present in your milk during this transitioning phase. Every drop should go to your baby!!
Mature milk
Mature milk is the final milk that your body produces, and is considered “mature” after the transitional phase has completed. Your milk will be considered “mature” around 2 weeks of life, although small traces of colostrum could still be found in your milk for weeks after that. Mature milk is still everything that your baby needs, and even though it is no longer golden in color, I would still consider it to be liquid gold. Your mature milk is the perfect food for your baby, individualized to their personal needs. Your breast milk will have a lifelong effect on your baby by lining their gut and enhancing their immune system.
Colostrum, transitional milk, mature milk…..ALL OF YOUR MILK… liquid gold. ✨ your baby thanks you!